Massachusetts Academy of Real Estate
To become a Massachusetts Real Estate Agent one must complete a 40-Hour Sales Course.
We offer the course during the weekend, the weekday and the evening.
Classes can be taken in person or live streamed.
You can click the the tabs above or below to obtain the schedule. Continuing education is to renew an existing license and you must have three years experience as a sales agent to
become a Broker.

Attention Massachusetts Sales and Broker License Applicants
As of March 1, 2019 the procedure to take the test has changed. To schedule the exam you will need to mail your application to the exam HQ (cited below). Once approved they will send you an email with instructions as to what you need to do to schedule your examination.
Important: You need to mail in the pages we went over in class ( certification booklet):
1) The Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Certification and Endorsement Page
( page that has your name, school stamp and space for three references)
2) Criminal Offender Record Information ( CORI) Acknowledgment Form
3) Broker ( Bond and Employer Broker Certification and license information.)
In Addition to the pages we went over in class the first four pages of the PDF below needs to be sent in with the paperwork you have already received.
Note: You will need to obtain a picture and attach it to the application,
send in your form of payment. Please look at the checklist on the
first page of the attachment ( sample below) to ensure you have
everything you need. The PDF and video should be helpful.
Applications and payment will be mailed to:
PSI Examinations
ATTN: Examination Services
3210 E Tropicana Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89121